Jagdamba Ambulance service is committed in providing emergency medical transport services in Delhi NCR.
Our ambulance service possesses critical care unit where in a patient can be transported with highest level of care.
All our patients get treated by a well qualified staff with modern equipments. The life support units are located in our critical care unit and we maintain and handle our equiptments properly. In case of any medical emergency, blood and other essential equipments are provided for trouble-free treatment.
We are dedicated to your service and provide our ambulance service 24x7, whether it's a medical emergency or inter-hospital transfer. We can promptly and safely transport you. We at Jagdambha Ambulance Service first take care of patients emotional and physical, which gives us an edge over other organisations.
Our staff members have the utmost training and experience to handle and handle the situation with care and compassion. For medical ambulance in Delhi NCR, feel free to call us.
Listing ID
Service Rate
jagdamba services
Contact Number
What is the rate of ambulance-service in delhi?
The rate of ambulance-service in delhi depends upon various factors. It is advised that you filter the ambulance-service classifieds based on your requirement and budget to find the suitable match.
How to select the best ambulance-service in delhi?
To find the best ambulance-service in delhi, follow these steps:
Look for ratings and reviews. The number of positive reviews on the profile directly correlates to the quality of service offered.
Check if the ambulance-service classified has the genuine photos.
Verify contact information such as contact number using third party tools like Truecaller.
How can Xpdea help me find ambulance-service?
Xpdea is only a free classifieds advertising platform. We have no connection with the products and services offered by advertiser. Therefore, it is recommended to do thorough research before buying any services online on Xpdea. Xpdea will not be liable for any fraud and damages.