Hi sweetheart, I am Mamta Patel, a young beauty whose physique is naturally suited for all kinds of sexual activity. The hottest call lady you could have in your bed today is me, nineteen years old, working alone. I provide roleplaying and the pornstar experience among a few simple offerings. When you wish to ejaculate, you have two choices: either on my lovely body or on my pretty face. Although you'll love to cum on both, you'll love fucking me more. My love, I doubt you would choose to stop. I'm quite aroused, hence expect a really strong erection with me. As a free woman without restrictions, I ask you to act likewise. When you come to unwind with me, you can be yourself. You have not to wow me. It seems to me the other way around. I know what I'm capable of, thus I promise your pleasure. I really want to share with you priceless events. My sessions are tailored thus I will take good care of you. Should this appeal to you, give me a ring at 81000028 or by WhatsApp. Based in Kolkata, I provide hotel and house outcalls all around the city. Hearing from you will be much awaited. Remember to inform me you came across me on Xpdea Classifieds.
Listing ID | 10300 |
Category | Call Girls Service |
Location | kolkata |
Age | 22 |
Native | Indian |
Payment | Cash & UPI |
Service | Incall & Outcall |
Contact | 8745990108 |
Availability | 7 Days a Week |
Service Rates
Single ShotINR 14,000
2 Hours BookingINR 34,000
Full Night ServiceINR 85,000